
Birds and wildlife are probably my most favorite to photograph, followed by flowers. I love to get out for a hike through the woods or a walk along the river, you never know what you might find, or what might find you.  I am an avid gardener with a well established "english style" perennial garden and a productive vegetable garden with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, herbs and an apple tree. I maintain at least 2 bird feeders year round in order to attract birds and bugs to my garden...quite often I will return from a walk to find that the most activity is right in my own backyard!


If there are any photographs on this page that you would be interested in using for your own artwork or other applications please send me an email and we can discuss a rights-managed or royalty free license agreement. 

M Prothonotary warbler

M Yellowheaded Blackbird
M Scarlet tananger eating grapefruit

M American Redstart warbler

M Baltimore Oriole

F Baltimore Oriole

Black and White Warbler

M Rosebreasted Grosbeak

M Rosebreasted Grosbeak - pink breast

Chestnut sided warbler

M Wilson's Warbler

young Redtail Hawk

Eastern Kingbird

Grey cheeked Thrush

F Rosebreasted Grosbeak

M Northern Parula

M Ruby Throated Hummingbird

M Scarlet Tananger

Canada Warbler - young male or female?

Robin nest

M Magnolia Warbler

M Common Yellow throat Warbler

M Yellow Warbler
April 2014

Fox kits - 3 of 6 curious little babies we found locally

June 2013  Mountsberg Ontario
captive Snowy Owl

captive American Kestrel

Tree swallow (m)

we took a short hike along one of the trails at Mountsberg and came to a meadow filled with nest boxes mostly all inhabited by pairs of Tree swallows. Most of the females were in the boxes sitting on the nest and the fellows were either sitting on top of the box or in the process of taking off or landing with a beak full of bugs - this guy was just about to take off.

April 28, 2013  
A male Purple finch (1 of 2) that spent a couple of days at our feeders before heading north

Savannah sparrow

Male yellow shafted Flicker in a beak-hold with a male Red Bellied woodpecker in the hole...there seems to be a good number of both birds this year, finding suitable nesting sites might be an issue for these similar sized birds.

an early Black and White warbler

Blue headed Vireo


We took the canoe across the street to the river last week for an evening paddle, lots of birds around but I have quickly found out that getting a nice clear shot while even gliding in a canoe can be a challenge!  There must be at least 5 pairs of Belted Kingfishers on the river but a really good shot of these skittish birds still evades me.  We saw a Great Blue Heron take off in front of us (((sigh))) so no luck with that one either, also saw a Great Egret or white Heron as some call them but it was only flying over head.  On the way back up the river I thought I was out of luck when paddling alongside a small island I looked up and found this fellow perched right above us and he was nice enough to stay put long enough for us to slow and get in position for a decent photo.

Black Crowned Night Heron

and then a little bit further along the female of a pair of Double-crested Cormorants that usually hopscotch up and down the river just ahead of us decided she had had enough and settled down for a few shots in the evening light.  This pair has been on the river since the spring, we haven't seen any young with them and we hope we don't as a colony of cormorants will quickly destroy vegetation and eat everything there is to eat leaving nothing for the "local" birds.
...she is kind of "prehistoric" looking isn't she!

Fm Double-crested Cormorant

As luck would have it, the next afternoon we were walking back over the bridge after taking Miss Lucy to the dogwash (at the car wash) and saw "something" below the dam.  I grabbed my camera and quickly walked back along the nature trail and was able to catch this guy right along the path.

Green Heron

and then to top off my luck there was a Great Blue Heron right below the dam and I was able to sneak up right beside him for a real close up portrait shot.

young Great Blue Heron


M Goldfinch eating Sunflower seeds


Black capped Chickadee

Come on guys, all I want is a drink! 
(chipping sparrow and starlings)

White Sulpher or Cabbage Butterfly 

Red Spotted Purple

Clearwing Hummingbird Moth

Young Raccoon


Spring Migration 2011
White Crowned Sparrow (native)

Male Hooded Warbler


I only saw this Common Grackle once, poor thing probably got scared off by the other birds for being "different"...the proper discription  for this condition is "partially leucistic"
...the white eye was particularily strange!

 Red Headed Woodpecker

Fm Eastern Towhee

 Blue Headed Vireo

Male Rosebreasted Grosbeak 

Fm Rosebreasted Grosbeak


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